Category Archives: Met

1st Time For Baton Rounds In London

It was reported on the lunchtime news (LBC 97.3fm) that the Met will be using baton rounds/rubber bullets at the student demo in town this week. So far I’ve been unable to find any other corroboration but I see no reason to doubt the report; LBC are usually pretty fast & accurate with their news reporting.

This will be the first time that a police force has used rubber bullets in mainland Britain and is a fairly momentous step. I guess it puts an end to policing by consent and “the public are the police and the police are the public”.

I’ll add to the post as and when I learn anything more.

It looks like it’s Wednesday 9th – there’s also a protest by London’s cabbies in Trafalgar Square on the same day.
And yet – Baton Rounds: Risks outweighed benefits
4,000 Met police will be on duty to police an expected 10,000 students. It’s confirmed that baton rounds will be issued. So, there we have it. Policing by consent has flown out of the window in Britain.

An article has now been posted on the LBC website.


Before I was side-tracked by buying a present for my eldest’s girlfriend I was compiling a few interesting links to demonstrate how the world was flowing. Unfortunately, my i/n connection crashed and I hadn’t bookmarked them 🙂 Once I’d pulled them up from memory, it then crashed again so … here’s what we’re left with:

Belgium on the brink. Without a national government for more than a year, this EU member-state is fast becoming a testing ground and prototype for European federalism. Believe it or not, some people actually herald Belgium as a success. There’s one big boss in Brussels (unelected) and many provincial governors: layer upon layer of governance and bureaucracy.

If your blood isn’t rising already then you’re not English, Irish, Scottish or Welsh. The lovely Belgians can go back to De Standaard and their moules frites with mayonnaise.

Perhaps Cameron thinks we don’t notice; perhaps he’s right. Q. When is the Freedom Bill not a Freedom Bill? A. When it increases the power of entry into people’s homes.

A report from the joint committee on human rights warns that the measures contained in the ‘freedom bill’ actually create new risks to individuals’ civil liberties.

The government is reviewing its existing powers of entry to private properties, including homes.

It is also proposing to authorise ministers to extend existing powers of entry and roll back safeguards, prompting criticism from committee chair Hywel Francis.

“The proposals in the bill are overly broad and give ministers carte blanche to change powers of entry as they see fit,” he said.

“This power needs to be limited to provide real protection for individual privacy, and existing powers of entry need to be examined carefully to reduce their scope and number.”

We don’t need a Freedom Bill; we don’t need a British Bill of Rights – we already have them.

The man in demand, the man who owns much of the planet, the lobbying groups and the vested interests still has a criminal record.  I can’t believe this man still holds the position he does.  Didn’t he once brag that he made his billions on the back of Great Britain’s Black Wednesday?

Shock! Horror! Hedge Funds and private equity make up 27% funding to Tories. Tsk. How awful, let’s get a slot on Newsnight.

Oh! Wait a minute… Trade Union donations account for 91.3% funding to Labour. Oh well, let’s not mention that.

Testing on live animals: It must stop. Sentient beings and all that.

There’s been a record number of people evicted from their homes in Spain. This is pretty much how Greece was first reported.

Not the real thing: Olympics 2012. Sponsors accused of breaking “the spirit” of the games. Whoever negotiated the contract to win Olympics 2012 is a muppet if he couldn’t foresee what would happen. We were warned last year to get out of London, close businesses and go on holiday.

Tony Travers, a transport expert at the London School of Economics, said: “It is hypocrisy for the Games organisers to issue an anti-car message which does not apply to the sponsors.

Ah well, Tony, some of us live and learn.

Are Green Tea supplements already banned by the EU?  If not, they soon will be. Au Revoir, to Green Tea supplements in France.  I assume this is all on the back of the EU demanding stricter regulation of non-BigPharma natural medicines.  After all, why let people go out into woodland or meadow and find a dock leaf to cure an itch?  Much better to prohibit picking the dock leaf and let BigPharma patent some artificial derivative and charge us for it.

Are you a journalist in America?  Get ready to be told how to report about Islam.  We’re so touchy-feely here in Britain that you only have to look at our newspapers to see how we were one of the first to implement the edict.

Britain will comply with this, of course, but some member-states will not.  There’s a disagreement about battery hens.  Once upon a time this is something our own government could have done but now we’re just at a competitive disadvantage within the EU.  It’s “clearly unacceptable” says the EU Commissioner but nothing will change.

This one surprised me: the National Union of Farmers is supporting the Govt’s new planning regs.  I bet their President, Peter Kendall, has been on a Common Purpose course with his talk about smart farming.

“…speaking in Manchester this week, Mr Kendall said the planning reforms could help farm businesses increase food production by making it easier to get permission for the likes of new farm buildings, polytunnels and anaerobic digestion (AD) plants.”

Lovely, can’t wait.  Think of all those subsidies they’ll get and the cheaper food costs are sure to be passed down to us (1972 and CAP re-visited ad nauseam).  Forget those rolling hills and infinite horizon meadows – let’s have polytunnels instead.

Florida installs fingerprint scanners on school buses.  Apparently it’s because they can’t keep track of children attending school.  Whatever happened to the School Register?  How many parents in Britain know whether their child is being finger-printed before entering the dining room or the library?

Syria warns Jordan not to participate in Turkish/Israeli “large-scale manoeuvres”:

“If the Hashemite Kingdom lines up with Turkey and Israel and deploys extra troops on the Syrian border, Assad will order his air force to bomb Jordanian towns.
And if Israel intervenes to engage Syrian bombers, Damascus would launch surface missiles against Jordanian cities.
It was the second time this week that the Syrian ruler had threatened to punish an enemy with ground-to-ground missiles. Tuesday, Oct. 4, debkafile revealed that Assad had threatened to demolish Tel Aviv by missiles within six hours of an attack on Syria.”

Russia and China veto UN Resolution re sanctions on Syria. They fear it will turn into an excuse for bombing, like Libya.  Russia has a good deal on arms sales.

Sorry, I’m dashing for dinner now so the rest is short.

An in-depth report on Peak Oil, Climate Change and the threat to food security

The lies and the futility:  Obama’s “Millionaire Tax” Collected Over Next Ten Years Will Plug 4 Months Worth Of Deficit.

Unrest is spreading to Toronto.  Taxpayers world-wide are unhappy at the way their taxes are being spent yet governments go on, regardless.

Bernard Howe-Hogan, the new Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police has issued his first statement: “I will fast-track ethnic minorities”.  I bet he’s been on a Common Purpose course.

More on Dexia An interesting video.

Let’s finish with this:  The nannied and pampered new generation.

Check this out:


Before I was side-tracked by buying a present for my eldest’s girlfriend I was compiling a few interesting links to demonstrate how the world was flowing. Unfortunately, my i/n connection crashed and I hadn’t bookmarked them 🙂 Once I’d pulled them up from memory, it then crashed again so … here’s what we’re left with:

Belgium on the brink. Without a national government for more than a year, this EU member-state is fast becoming a testing ground and prototype for European federalism. Believe it or not, some people actually herald Belgium as a success. There’s one big boss in Brussels (unelected) and many provincial governors: layer upon layer of governance and bureaucracy.

If your blood isn’t rising already then you’re not English, Irish, Scottish or Welsh. The lovely Belgians can go back to De Standaard and their moules frites with mayonnaise.

Perhaps Cameron thinks we don’t notice; perhaps he’s right. Q. When is the Freedom Bill not a Freedom Bill? A. When it increases the power of entry into people’s homes.

A report from the joint committee on human rights warns that the measures contained in the ‘freedom bill’ actually create new risks to individuals’ civil liberties.

The government is reviewing its existing powers of entry to private properties, including homes.

It is also proposing to authorise ministers to extend existing powers of entry and roll back safeguards, prompting criticism from committee chair Hywel Francis.

“The proposals in the bill are overly broad and give ministers carte blanche to change powers of entry as they see fit,” he said.

“This power needs to be limited to provide real protection for individual privacy, and existing powers of entry need to be examined carefully to reduce their scope and number.”

We don’t need a Freedom Bill; we don’t need a British Bill of Rights – we already have them.

The man in demand, the man who owns much of the planet, the lobbying groups and the vested interests still has a criminal record.  I can’t believe this man still holds the position he does.  Didn’t he once brag that he made his billions on the back of Great Britain’s Black Wednesday?

Shock! Horror! Hedge Funds and private equity make up 27% funding to Tories. Tsk. How awful, let’s get a slot on Newsnight.

Oh! Wait a minute… Trade Union donations account for 91.3% funding to Labour. Oh well, let’s not mention that.

Testing on live animals: It must stop. Sentient beings and all that.

There’s been a record number of people evicted from their homes in Spain. This is pretty much how Greece was first reported.

Not the real thing: Olympics 2012. Sponsors accused of breaking “the spirit” of the games. Whoever negotiated the contract to win Olympics 2012 is a muppet if he couldn’t foresee what would happen. We were warned last year to get out of London, close businesses and go on holiday.

Tony Travers, a transport expert at the London School of Economics, said: “It is hypocrisy for the Games organisers to issue an anti-car message which does not apply to the sponsors.

Ah well, Tony, some of us live and learn.

Are Green Tea supplements already banned by the EU?  If not, they soon will be. Au Revoir, to Green Tea supplements in France.  I assume this is all on the back of the EU demanding stricter regulation of non-BigPharma natural medicines.  After all, why let people go out into woodland or meadow and find a dock leaf to cure an itch?  Much better to prohibit picking the dock leaf and let BigPharma patent some artificial derivative and charge us for it.

Are you a journalist in America?  Get ready to be told how to report about Islam.  We’re so touchy-feely here in Britain that you only have to look at our newspapers to see how we were one of the first to implement the edict.

Britain will comply with this, of course, but some member-states will not.  There’s a disagreement about battery hens.  Once upon a time this is something our own government could have done but now we’re just at a competitive disadvantage within the EU.  It’s “clearly unacceptable” says the EU Commissioner but nothing will change.

This one surprised me: the National Union of Farmers is supporting the Govt’s new planning regs.  I bet their President, Peter Kendall, has been on a Common Purpose course with his talk about smart farming.

“…speaking in Manchester this week, Mr Kendall said the planning reforms could help farm businesses increase food production by making it easier to get permission for the likes of new farm buildings, polytunnels and anaerobic digestion (AD) plants.”

Lovely, can’t wait.  Think of all those subsidies they’ll get and the cheaper food costs are sure to be passed down to us (1972 and CAP re-visited ad nauseam).  Forget those rolling hills and infinite horizon meadows – let’s have polytunnels instead.

Florida installs fingerprint scanners on school buses.  Apparently it’s because they can’t keep track of children attending school.  Whatever happened to the School Register?  How many parents in Britain know whether their child is being finger-printed before entering the dining room or the library?

Syria warns Jordan not to participate in Turkish/Israeli “large-scale manoeuvres”:

“If the Hashemite Kingdom lines up with Turkey and Israel and deploys extra troops on the Syrian border, Assad will order his air force to bomb Jordanian towns.
And if Israel intervenes to engage Syrian bombers, Damascus would launch surface missiles against Jordanian cities.
It was the second time this week that the Syrian ruler had threatened to punish an enemy with ground-to-ground missiles. Tuesday, Oct. 4, debkafile revealed that Assad had threatened to demolish Tel Aviv by missiles within six hours of an attack on Syria.”

Russia and China veto UN Resolution re sanctions on Syria. They fear it will turn into an excuse for bombing, like Libya.  Russia has a good deal on arms sales.

Sorry, I’m dashing for dinner now so the rest is short.

An in-depth report on Peak Oil, Climate Change and the threat to food security

The lies and the futility:  Obama’s “Millionaire Tax” Collected Over Next Ten Years Will Plug 4 Months Worth Of Deficit.

Unrest is spreading to Toronto.  Taxpayers world-wide are unhappy at the way their taxes are being spent yet governments go on, regardless.

Bernard Howe-Hogan, the new Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police has issued his first statement: “I will fast-track ethnic minorities”.  I bet he’s been on a Common Purpose course.

More on Dexia An interesting video.

Let’s finish with this:  The nannied and pampered new generation.

Check this out:

Video the Left don’t want you to see… + Update

Link: video the left don't want you to see – whites attacked b… on Twitpic

The attack on the broken-down bus at the weekend.

UPDATE: Have this one too. UAF supporters describe a female EDL supporter falling out of the emergency door of the coach and being kicked and punched as she was dazed and confused on the ground. They think it’s funny. I think they’re scum.  I’d also like to know why all those on the coach were arrested by the Met Police.

‘Video the Left don’t want you to see’ + Update

LINK: Video the left don’t want you to see – whites attacked b… on Twitpic

The attack on the broken-down bus at the weekend.

UPDATE: Have this one too. UAF supporters describe a female EDL supporter falling out of the emergency door of the coach and being kicked and punched as she was dazed and confused on the ground. They think it’s funny. I think they’re scum.  I’d also like to know why all those on the coach were arrested by the Met Police.

Only forty-two jailed

According to BBC News the Met Police have done a good job in catching more than 2,000 rioters/looters of whom 1,135 have been charged.

954 have already appeared in Court;
82 have been sentenced;
42 given a prison term;
57 unaccounted for in the system;
865 caught but not charged.

I assume from the figures that some are out on bail, rather than on remand, pending a Crown Court hearing. The Courts could be awaiting Reports from social workers and the like before sentencing and others escaped with only a Caution. Who knows what goes on in the minds of some of our ipsy-dipsy Magistrates and the CPS these days.

It’s time our Courts and the CPS did their job too and backed up the Police on something like this. It was, after all, widely acknowledged by government and politicians to be unprecedented – so let’s have some ‘unprecedented’ sentences.

Was this riot, arson and looting or a cheeky bit of opportunistic shoplifting and little boys playing with matches? 865 not charged seems to suggest the latter.

And where is Ken Clarke, by the way?

Only Forty-two Jailed

According to BBC News the Met Police have done a good job in catching more than 2,000 rioters/looters of whom 1,135 have been charged.

954 have already appeared in Court;
82 have been sentenced;
42 given a prison term;
57 unaccounted for in the system;
865 caught but not charged.

I assume from the figures that some are out on bail, rather than on remand, pending a Crown Court hearing. The Courts could be awaiting Reports from social workers and the like before sentencing and others escaped with only a Caution. Who knows what goes on in the minds of some of our ipsy-dipsy Magistrates and the CPS these days.

It’s time our Courts and the CPS did their job too and backed up the Police on something like this. It was, after all, widely acknowledged by government and politicians to be unprecedented – so let’s have some ‘unprecedented’ sentences.

Was this riot, arson and looting or a cheeky bit of opportunistic shoplifting and little boys playing with matches? 865 not charged seems to suggest the latter.

And where is Ken Clarke, by the way?

Sticks, stones and the EDL

Get a cup of tea.

I think the commentary seeking to justify and explain the riots has shown the true division in society: the enormous gulf that exists between the politicians & the media and the rest of us. As I watched Gavin Esler on Newsnight do his piece to camera last night I wondered why he claimed “we” were so surprised, who were this mythical “we” and who were the “we” who didn’t know where to go from here?

It’s only the likes of Esler and the politicians who’ve apparently been taken aback. Anyone who doesn’t use the msm as the Authorised Bible of Authentic News wasn’t surprised at people kicking back. The targets were what shocked – the ages of those involved, the local businesses and neighbours’ homes; the thoughtless endangerment of people’s lives.

Esler’s “we” shouldn’t have been surprised to see the police stand back and take pictures either – that’s the preferred method of policing according to ACPO, the private limited company that runs the police force service. Sit back and let the CCTV take the strain seems to be Hugh Orde’s motto and to think this man could very well be the next Met Police Chief. Anyone saying the police hierarchy weren’t politicised under Blair & Blair (now Sir Ian) is wrong.

Going back a few days, when we heard news of Turks, Indians, Greeks, Asians, defending their “areas” I applauded it while biting my tongue at some of the language used – we certainly do need to take back our streets and clean them up after the mess. We do have a right  in Common Law to defend our families, homes and neighbourhoods and anyone who tells you otherwise is misleading you.  However, when the English went on to the streets of Enfield and Ealing and were roundly condemned by all and sundry as EDL yobs I posted a question on twitter. “Why is it ok for Sikhs, Turks and others to protect themselves but when white English do it they’re condemned as #EDL thugs?”.  I thought that was a reasonable question but I was immediately inundated with abusive twits/tweets and added to the watchlist of someone called @moronalert – no debate, no argument, just judgement. I told the chap he was an idiot and left it at that. He knows nothing about me so I’m really not that bothered but I mention it because it typifies the way some people have of closing down debate. That twitterer didn’t want to discuss anything, he just wanted to label me because I mentioned the EDL.

That’s pretty much what’s happened to David Starkey after last night. He was allowed to give half a statement and was then interrupted, his protestations that what’d he’d said was being wrongly interpreted were drowned out and he was generally treated like an idiot, even by Maitlis – so why did the BBC bother to invite him in the first place except to cause controversy and set up a whipping-boy.

Earlier this week, the Talking Clock asked Are these riots and looting sprees an act of subversion? He gave links to back up his assertions.

THIS has also come to light:

“Within ten minutes of the mention of Duggan’s name by the Socialist Worker Party activists, one of the youths – whipped up into a frenzy by the Socialist Worker Party protesters – had grabbed an expensive-looking TV camera from one of the gathered journalists and smashed it into smithereens on the street floor.

The youths started to look menacing. They brandished sticks. They too began to shout. They joined in with the Socialist Worker Party chants and taunted the police. The mood had turned toxic.

The police started issuing public order warnings across a loudspeaker.

Still the Socialist Worker Party protesters swore and chanted – urging the youths on.

Only when the scene actually turned violent did the Socialist Worker Party members disperse – their banners and SWP paraphernalia bagged up for another place or another day.”

At the moment, with few exceptions mentioned in previous posts (Delingpole, Oborne) the media is directing the debate and steering it towards a conclusion.  It isn’t an open or honest debate, it’s one proscribed by those who try to manipulate and direct our lives and our thoughts.

Cameron picked out the EDL for particular opprobrium in Thursday’s statement but apart from the media reports of them gathering and marching down streets chanting slogans  (to which I’ve already referred and condemned) I’ve seen nothing else.  I’ve heard nothing about English people, white English people, protecting their homes against the looters and being applauded for it, yet there must have been many.  How can those who praise Sikhs for waving their swords around at the same time condemn the English with baseball bats?  (I’ve already written about Amazon refusing to sell them).  It’s hypocrisy and double-dealing.

Reporting is very selective.  See this for example:  Protester fined for Nazi salute and this on censorship: The disappearing video. This is just going to get so much worse; the media reporting has been telling us that it’s okay for anyone to protect their homes except the white English – and that’s their distinctions and divisions, not mine.  They’ve set the ground, not me.

An ideology can’t wipe out a national collective psyche with words – there’ll always be something that whispers of being “English” – perhaps The Reeds of Runnymede will stir again.  Cameron and his advisors should learn from history that you don’t double-deal with the English.

Watch the language on this one:

UPDATE:The link to the article about the Socialist Workers’ Party and UAF involvement in the Tottenham riot has been removed and the account suspended.  Strange times.

Sticks, Stones & The EDL

Get a cup of tea.

I think the commentary seeking to justify and explain the riots has shown the true division in society: the enormous gulf that exists between the politicians & the media and the rest of us. As I watched Gavin Esler on Newsnight do his piece to camera last night I wondered why he claimed “we” were so surprised, who were this mythical “we” and who were the “we” who didn’t know where to go from here?

It’s only the likes of Esler and the politicians who’ve apparently been taken aback. Anyone who doesn’t use the msm as the Authorised Bible of Authentic News wasn’t surprised at people kicking back. The targets were what shocked – the ages of those involved, the local businesses and neighbours’ homes; the thoughtless endangerment of people’s lives.

Esler’s “we” shouldn’t have been surprised to see the police stand back and take pictures either – that’s the preferred method of policing according to ACPO, the private limited company that runs the police force service. Sit back and let the CCTV take the strain seems to be Hugh Orde’s motto and to think this man could very well be the next Met Police Chief. Anyone saying the police hierarchy weren’t politicised under Blair & Blair (now Sir Ian) is wrong.

Going back a few days, when we heard news of Turks, Indians, Greeks, Asians, defending their “areas” I applauded it while biting my tongue at some of the language used – we certainly do need to take back our streets and clean them up after the mess. We do have a right  in Common Law to defend our families, homes and neighbourhoods and anyone who tells you otherwise is misleading you.  However, when the English went on to the streets of Enfield and Ealing and were roundly condemned by all and sundry as EDL yobs I posted a question on twitter. “Why is it ok for Sikhs, Turks and others to protect themselves but when white English do it they’re condemned as #EDL thugs?”.  I thought that was a reasonable question but I was immediately inundated with abusive twits/tweets and added to the watchlist of someone called @moronalert – no debate, no argument, just judgement. I told the chap he was an idiot and left it at that. He knows nothing about me so I’m really not that bothered but I mention it because it typifies the way some people have of closing down debate. That twitterer didn’t want to discuss anything, he just wanted to label me because I mentioned the EDL.

That’s pretty much what’s happened to David Starkey after last night. He was allowed to give half a statement and was then interrupted, his protestations that what he’d said was being wrongly interpreted were drowned out and he was generally treated like an idiot, even by Maitlis – so why did the BBC bother to invite him in the first place except to cause controversy and set up a whipping-boy.

Earlier this week, the Talking Clock asked Are these riots and looting sprees an act of subversion? He gave links to back up his assertions.

THIS has also come to light:

“Within ten minutes of the mention of Duggan’s name by the Socialist Worker Party activists, one of the youths – whipped up into a frenzy by the Socialist Worker Party protesters – had grabbed an expensive-looking TV camera from one of the gathered journalists and smashed it into smithereens on the street floor.

The youths started to look menacing. They brandished sticks. They too began to shout. They joined in with the Socialist Worker Party chants and taunted the police. The mood had turned toxic.

The police started issuing public order warnings across a loudspeaker.

Still the Socialist Worker Party protesters swore and chanted – urging the youths on.

Only when the scene actually turned violent did the Socialist Worker Party members disperse – their banners and SWP paraphernalia bagged up for another place or another day.”

At the moment, with few exceptions mentioned in previous posts (Delingpole, Oborne) the media is directing the debate and steering it towards a conclusion.  It isn’t an open or honest debate, it’s one proscribed by those who try to manipulate and direct our lives and our thoughts. 

Cameron picked out the EDL for particular opprobrium in Thursday’s statement but apart from the media reports of them gathering and marching down streets chanting slogans  (to which I’ve already referred and condemned) I’ve seen nothing else.  I’ve heard nothing about English people, white English people, protecting their homes against the looters and being applauded for it, yet there must have been many.  How can those who praise Sikhs for waving their swords around at the same time condemn the English with baseball bats?  (I’ve already written about Amazon refusing to sell them).  It’s hypocrisy and double-dealing.

Reporting is very selective.  See this for example:  Protester fined for Nazi salute and this on censorship: The disappearing video. This is just going to get so much worse; the media reporting has been telling us that it’s okay for anyone to protect their homes except the white English – and those are their distinctions and divisions, not mine.  They’ve set the ground, not me.

An ideology can’t wipe out a national collective psyche with words – there’ll always be something that whispers of being “English” – perhaps The Reeds of Runnymede will stir again.  Cameron and his advisors should learn from history that you don’t double-deal with the English.

Watch the language on this one:

UPDATE:The link to the article about the Socialist Workers’ Party and UAF involvement in the Tottenham riot has been removed and the account suspended.  Strange times.

The turning of the screw

My purple hat, which I dusted off in case I needed a snack this afternoon, has been put back in its box and awaits a different day.

Amidst all the platitudes it was clear that Cameron & Co do mean to be “robust”, “tough” and “protective” – and to be cruel to be kind. I’m not talking about evicting tenants who took part in the riots and looting nor cutting their benefits (in fact, I’d like to see them try – I suspect they know it’s a waste of time and money because of the HRA).  So, no, Cameron isn’t going to be robust on these rioters and looters, but the government will look at laws to ensure that future potential rioters and looters, or what the political classes deem to be such, are thwarted.

Why must tptb conflate peaceful protest and looting rioters? Even the Met Police admitted to doing that – they stood back and because they couldn’t kettle they watched rather than go in and stop and arrest.  They took photos and relied on cctv instead of stopping criminal activity.  I think that says a lot about the depths to which our Police Force has sunk under the rule of ACPO.   Protesters at political demonstrations are just that, political; these riots were nothing like it and the two shouldn’t be confused. One is valid, the other is not.

So, we come to shutting down social media in the event of’ riots’. Does anyone seriously think, for one moment, that this will be restricted to the type of criminal activity we’ve seen over the past few days? No, you know damned well it won’t; it will be extended to included political demonstrations too so the next time you’re on a Countryside Alliance march or a protest against badger-culling just think about yobs setting fire to homes and businesses as you’re hit by the rubber bullets or water cannon.

Watching Cameron’s statement, the responses and questions this afternoon, I was struck by how he spoke forcibly about punishment and jail terms for those convicted – and it’s true, some have received prison time of 8 weeks here, 6 months there. However, as time went on he became a little less dogmatic – he ended up talking about “possible” prison terms and effectively passing the buck to the Sentencing Council.

I’m an Amazon regular but I’m having second thoughts after reading THIS. It seems that following the government and Met Police lead they’ve arbitrarily removed from their shelves anything that could be used as a weapon. Being English, I suggest that we all take up cricket or, if you’re feeling particularly cosmopolitan, you could go HERE for your kubotans.

On another matter, I was glad to see the BBC forced to change tack and stop calling the looters “protesters”. They really are the pits. I wonder how they’ve spent their EU loans and grants for this year.

And on to the EDL. If they want to be taken seriously by the mainstream they’ve just shot themselves in the foot. Footage of gangs of white youths and men marching around town centres and shouting “E-E-EDL” or “Enger-land” has robbed them of any credibility they might have gained. Yes, I know the media is selective but it’s the fact they did it and thought it was acceptable in the first place. It isn’t. That sort of behaviour is just as bewildering and frightening to the majority of the English as out-of-control looters.

I’m sick of this country where people applaud the idea of using rubber bullets, let alone live ammunition; of dousing protesters with water cannon a la continental; of cutting off the hands of thieves, of calling for the death penalty.  None of these will happen anyway, not unless the government of whatever stripe in cahoots with the EU wants it – so, stop calling for it.  We’re English for God’s sake, not some backwater African dictatorship where Islam, Shari’a and the bullet rule.  I’d rather sit them down with a cup of tea, a cucumber sandwich and then pack them off to boot camp on some isolated island run by ex-Forces, never to be seen again until they were ready to join society.  Oh, I forgot, we are the isolated island.  Dammit, there goes my theory.

PS One other thing. Bring back the right to bear arms for all law-abiding people. We should never have been stripped of that fundamental right of self-defence. Now, I suspect, the pendulum has swung too far for it to ever happen but no-one created those conditions except the politicians themselves.